Rounding numbers off high end. Rounding numbers off low end. Cancel Quit? Attempt to write header - WriteTDRec Attempt to write record - WriteTDRec Attempt to read record - ReadTDRec Attempt to write header - WriteNewHeader Attempt to read Layer Info - FSREAD Attempt to read Header - FSREAD Split polygon to remove overlap? Attempt to Allocate Space for file - Allocate Attempt to Get End Of File - GetEOF Attempt to Get File Position - GetFPos Attempt to Write to File - FSWrite Attempt to Store Volume Information - FlushVol Attempt to Get Volume Information - GetVol Attempt to Close File - FSClose Attempt to Set End of File - SetEOF Attempt to read file - FSREAD Attempt to Set File Position - SetFPos Attempt to Open File - FSOPEN